‘Up to 1,000x faster’: AI startup wants to make GPU training obsolete with an extraordinary piece of tech — meet the Tseltin machine which may come to a device near you sooner than you think

In a groundbreaking move that could revolutionize the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, a cutting-edge startup is poised to render traditional GPU training obsolete with its extraordinary piece of technology: the Tseltin machine. Promising speeds up to …

Surprise! Nvidia’s ridiculously fast CPU is a surprising beast — tests show how the GH200 fared against AMD’s fastest processor, the EPYC 9754, for the performance crown

Surprise indeed! Nvidia has unleashed a game-changing CPU with its latest offering, the GH200, which has proven to be a formidable contender in the race for computing supremacy. Recent tests have revealed that this powerhouse processor is a surprising beast, …